Speak No Evil
For this psychological thriller Speak No Evil from director Christian Taftdrup We created some nasty special make up effects like cut off tongue sequence.
A Danish family visits a Dutch family met on a holiday. What was supposed to be an idyllic weekend slowy start unraveling ast the Danes try to stay polite in the fase of unpleasantness.
Let see if you dare to watch it!

SHUT 2021 by Film director Niels Bourgonje
Premiered in the Netherlands at the Nederlands Film Festival.
Jonas (Sanne den Hartogh) visits his father Arend (Jack Wouterse) after a long time. Jonas is startled when his father is almost unrecognizable. Has he deteriorated badly or has something taken possession of him?
Carola Brockhoff created the special make up effects for this short.
After winning the best Audience award at Shift Film Festival, Shut just won a second award for Best Foreign Horror Short at the Dickens Horror Festival Productions in Colorado!
So go and watch this little creeper!

Day of the Dead
2 november 2021
Today is the Day of the Dead (Día de los Muertos). A Mexican holiday celebrated in Mexico.
Last year I was asked by MediaMonks to do a photoshoot in the Netherlands and a film shoot in beautiful Iceland for the Mexican beer brand ‘Victoria’.
Performer is Isaac Hernández,
National Opera & Ballet
Photo’s by Noah Valentyn

Psychologische thrillerserie “Lieve Mama” op Videoland
De 18-jarige Ralf staat buiten op de uitkijk als zijn vriend een overval pleegt op de villa van een welgesteld gezin. Helen, de 37-jarige moeder van dat gezin, komt thuis en ziet de overvaller die haar man overmeesterd heeft. In totale paniek grijpt Helen het wapen van de overvaller en schiet hem dood. Onder druk van haar man besluit Helen de dood van de overvaller te verdoezelen, terwijl Ralf wil weten wat er met zijn vriend is gebeurd. Het is voor beiden het begin van ware een nachtmerrie.
In opdracht van Fiction Valley mochten wij de uitdaging aangaan om het diepgevroren lijk van Brian (Tarik Moree) te maken. De regisseur Jelle de Jonge gaf ons mee dat de dummy in close-up in stukken moest worden gezaagd. Dit hield voor ons in dat er een herkenbare dummy moest worden vervaardigd in een bevroren pose, passend in een vrieskast. Daarnaast was de vraag bij ons neergelegd de dummy zo te vervaardigen dat de suggestie van bevroren vlees en botten na het afzagen zichtbaar kon zijn.
Bavaria commercial ‘Al 7 generaties lang’

Royal Swinkels Family Brewers (formerly Bavaria Brewery) is a Dutch family business since 1719. The company is fully owned by the Swinkels family for seven generations. In this commercial they show how important it is to preserve family traditions.

Carola Brockhoff was responsible to create an old age on actor Ernst ter Linden who plays Jaap Swinkels. Ernst plays a younger version, himself and an older version in this timeline commercial. Carola used a variety of techniques to change him 20 years older. We made small prosthetics and used old age stipple from Blue Bird and Green Marble Concentrate and Attagel. Coloring was done with skin illustrator palettes. For the hair we used Ben Nye Liquid hair colours. We achieved an excellent result.
Dirty God selected for Sundance Festival

Dirty God from filmmaker Sacha Polak has it’s International Premiere on the Sundance Festival. It’s the first time that a Dutch Film is selected for this World Cinema Dramatic Competition!

The film is about a young mother Jade (played by Vicky Knight) who tries to pick up the pieces after an acid attack leaves her with severe facial burns. Unreal was responsible for the application of the facial prosthetics, delivered by danish colleague Morten Jacobsen. Dirty God is shot in the UK, the Netherlands and Marrakech.

Commercial Victoria Diaz de la Muertes
The Mexican beer brand Victoria wanted to celebrate the Day of the Dead by sending out a powerful message: Mexicans are unstoppable, even in the afterlife. Inspired by Aztec mythology and present-day talent, the epic spot takes you on a journey into Mictlán: the Aztec underworld. For Mediamonks we designed and produced all the Aztec characters. This beautifully choreographed film starring the Mexican dancer Isaac Hernández and featuring an original score by La Banda Bastön and Geo Meneses.
We designed the special make-up on the faces and bodies of all the dancers, hair work and the epic final of the film; the golden rebirth of Isaac. Both for the stills taken in Amsterdam and the film shoot in beautiful Iceland.
Roadguard Ad Campaign
For “Aanstekelijk Creative Agency” we created the complete character design, clothing, props and on-set applications of the RoadGuard viking in five different ages. We also did old-age make up of the car mechanics. Transforming the dutch giant Olivier Richters into a big friendly viking was gigantic!

On the cover #10 of PROSTHETIC MAGAZINE

One of the many Orcs we did for the Shadow of War Live action commercial with director Neil Huxley, made it on the cover of Neill Gorton’s The Prosthetic magazine issue #10! Inside you will find a 10 page article on the making of all the orcs!